View Full Version : One Piece Tops?

May-20-2012, 11:19pm
So, there's an Altman in MC Classifieds that has a one piece Adi top. How common is that with Adi, Engelmann or Sitka? Does a one piece top have to slab cut like a one piece back?

I'm really interested in this stuff as I know so little and am so interested as it just seems fascinating.....as well as beautiful.

May-20-2012, 11:27pm
So, there's an Altman in MC Classifieds that has a one piece Adi top. How common is that with Adi, Engelmann or Sitka?

Rare (but not unheard of), more common, and very common, in that order...
The size of the tree (and the mood of the miller) dictates whether one-piecers are liberated...

Does a one piece top have to slab cut like a one piece back?

No, always on the quarter....

May-20-2012, 11:30pm

thanks so much for the info.

Am I right that one piece backs are often/only slab cut? if so, why not the tops? What is the magic of "always on the quarter"?

And forgive me, I have tried to make sense and study up on the lumbering terms, but not having done the chopping and cutting myself, it still seems a little abstract.


May-20-2012, 11:54pm
Am I right that one piece backs are often/only slab cut?

No, there are many one-piece backs cut on the quarter out there...
Slab is more common, for a variety of reasons...

What is the magic of "always on the quarter"?

Strength, pure and simple...
In spruce, the more dead-on quarter the better...

I've seen slab-cut violin tops, but they are extremely rare, and did not hold up all that well over the centuries...