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Tail Pieces

I'm looking for mandolin tail pieces like the Allen / with ball end and loop end. The Allen looks good but are there any other goood options ? Next, I have a 5 string Blue Star E-mando.I know it has a lip stick pick up/what kind is that humbucker? I don't know much about the different tones that you get from the vast aray of all those others pick ups that are out there.
Has anyone used any other pick ups on that little beast. This has a pretty clean sound for an e-mando not like my Godin but ok.
Next, I've noticed a few 5 stringers tuned gdaeb today.What would string gauges for that tuning and the pros & cons verses cgdae.Thats all for now. I got to go eat some oysters / crayfish and wash em down with beer.

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