Danny Knicely workshop

  1. gonzograss
    Hope to see you all at Jim Hockett's on Saturday (12-5-09). Will be interested to hear reactions, comments, reports on what promises to be a very special event. Danny's a monster musician and I'm really anxious to meet him and learn some licks, techniques, chord progressions, tunes. Thanks a bunch to Jim for initiating this opportunity and offering his house and hospitality.

    Also, have attended 2 OBeX events now, and even though I didn't stay around for the dances, the music experience was very interesting and educational. Very sweet music. A lot of fun. I highly recommend it. Shaun was at the Norfolk one last week. While I am mainly pursuing other musical goals, I can't help promising myself to gradually learn all (or most of) the tunes, increase my reading ability, and participate more fully in future OBeX events. I knew a handful of the tunes but there are BUNCHES more to learn, some pretty challenging (the jigs). Highly recommended.

    ~~Joe Hannabach~~
  2. sgarrity
    I'll see ya at the workshop!
  3. Steve Gorman
    Steve Gorman
    Do you know how I could get in touch with Danny for a workshop in Charlottesville?
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