All things mandolin Blog

  1. Erin Patterson
    Erin Patterson
    Hi all!
    I'm Erin and have been on mandolin cafe for a while though I haven't posted much. I teach beginning mandolin and actively perform and compete. I love helping people get started with my favorite instrument, the mandolin, and hope I can help you out by sharing what I have learned and experienced in my years of playing and performing.
    I have also been working on a blog all about the mandolin with tips for beginner and intermediate pickers: /
    Enjoy and see you around!
  2. Pasha Alden
    Pasha Alden
    Hi Erin and all others that I see as new subscribers to this forum or diary. Here we can learn, cry together, laugh together and express our frustrations as we make our four-string journey towards those argent sound we would probably strive for.
    I am sure if I say this I speak for many on this list: we love to learn from you Erin.

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