Sigh of Relief; Let this be a lesson to you. :)

  1. BC14
    Lately I have been wondering why I've held onto my Mid-Mo M-0.
    Yesterday, I decided to part with it. I brought to a local "Music-Go-Round" store, where I was offered the princely sum of $150.
    For a moment I felt as though I were appearing in an episode of "Pawn Stars", as the store manager pointed out how the area around the bridge had "collapsed", and while he understood that new ones would sell for much more, $150 was his top offer.

    Then that 'little man on my shoulder' kept whispering in my ear... "Don't you dare let this go!" So I walked. With my M-0 in hand, of course.

    Today, here I am in this group, reading about what people are paying for used Mid Mo / Big Muddy versions.

    I will never sell it. Never.
  2. Dave Weiss
    Dave Weiss
    They're worth more than you could ever sell them for...
    We few, we fortunate few...
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