Filipino rondalla

  1. mezzolynn

    I have acquired a book of Rondalla arrangements! Rondalla arrived in the Philippines via Spanish colonialists, so the instruments are descendants of the lute and cousins of the mandolin! I think these rondalla arrangements will fit nicely in a mandolin orchestra setting. We can start with these two:

    Costurera ("Seamstress") -- a courtship dance from Iloilo

    Tinikling -- Filipino stick dancing! Long bamboo poles are struck together in time with the music, while dancers dodge the poles with their feet. The dancing gets more and more exciting as the tempo accelerates...

    I've dropped Costurera and Tinikling in the box. Bandurria parts can be played by mandolins. I think Laud and Octavina can be played by mandola or octave mandolin. Guitar is guitar and bass should fit on a mandocello. Take a look!
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