Banks Of The Sweet Primroses

  1. Martin Jonas
    Martin Jonas
    Following on from the quintessentially Scottish "Flowers Of The Forest", here is another flower song, this time quintessentially English, as well as much sunnier in mood. "Banks Of The Sweet Primroses", also called "The Sweet Primeroses" or "The Banks Of Primroses", is from Southern England and has been widely recorded by just about every English folk singer you can think of, from Martin Carthy, Shirley Collins, Lou Killen and Fairport Convention in the 1960s to June Tabor and Jon Boden in the last couple of years -- a list (and more background) is here.

    The lyrics and melody change very little between version, and there's a nice PDF transcription online: Link

    The version I'm playing has the same melody notes and is in the same key (G), but with slightly different chords and in 4/4 rather than 3/4. Recorded using Audacity as a duet between my Mid-Mo M-0W and my Troubadour (i.e. Hora) bouzouki, with rhythm accompaniment on tenor guitar.

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