Father John Angus Rankin

  1. John Kelly
    John Kelly
    Here is my latest offering, a great Jerry Holland tune I got recently from Stevie and Gordon, two of my regular accordion partners. It is a jaunty wee tune and just what we need at present, I think. Played on JK Mandolin and Lowden guitar, and the top I am wearing was a gift which arrived by post today from my daughter Morag, who obviously has impeccable dress sense!
    I realised that my camera has focused on the script on my top, with its high contrast, rather than on the instrument, so apologies for out-of-focus (or artistic) effects!

  2. Ginny Aitchison
    Ginny Aitchison
    This is a great tune John. Lovely clear tone on the high notes. And you have moved out of your 'music room'. Is this going to be a tune a day thing until the virus is over.? .it could be a bit of a wait. Tell Morag I love the shirt.
  3. Don Grieser
    Don Grieser
    A lovely tune indeed. And beautiful tone on that JK mandolin. Well played, sir!
  4. Frithjof
    Thanks for this cheerful tune.
  5. Mark Gunter
    Mark Gunter
    Yes, very cheerful little tune there John, and love the clarity of your mandolin. Well done.
  6. John Kelly
    John Kelly
    Thanks all for kind comments. Will pass on the message to Morag, Ginny.
  7. Bertram Henze
    Bertram Henze
    Jaunty indeed. The shirt reminds me of the one I bought in Balloch last summer - it had the answer before the question came up, apparently (makes me think: what else have I bought last summer?)
  8. Christian DP
    Christian DP
    Nice melody, great guitar and mandolinsounds! Thank you for the music in these troubled times, John!
  9. Simon DS
    Simon DS
    Fine playing John, a joyful promenade in the Spring sunshine.
  10. John Kelly
    John Kelly
    Thank you, all. Music for troubled times, indeed, and we need plenty of it right now.
  11. Pierpaolo S.
    Pierpaolo S.
    I think "a joyful promenade in the Spring sunshine" is a perfect description and a desire for many.
    Thanks for this nice melody.
Results 1 to 11 of 11