Schottis Fran ?

  1. Eddie Sheehy
    Susi, any idea what I'm playing? I heard it somewhere but not the title...

  2. Susanne
    That's a neat tune, I haven't heard it before. It doesn't sound like a schottis but more like a polka or a march. Do you think it's Swedish?
  3. Eddie Sheehy
    I heard it from a Swedish guy a few years ago - he used to hum and whistle it. It's a catchy tune, been going around in my head all these years...
  4. Barbara Shultz
    Barbara Shultz
    Wow Eddie.... I'm sure that tune was happy to get out of your head for a while! Hope you find the title to it!
  5. Susanne
    Yeah, very catchy! it sounds like it would suit the squeezebox...
  6. Eddie Sheehy
    Hey I found it... and it's on a squeezebox... actually two squeezeboxes...

  7. David Hansen
    David Hansen
    Hey Eddie, look they have this tune at the Session:

    I had a hard time not playing this one fast so I recorded a rhythm track to keep me at schottish speed. A couple mistakes here & there but it's all good right?

  8. Eddie Sheehy
    That's great Dave. My memory has a lot of holes in it a few notes fell out. Catchy l'il tune though...
  9. Eddie Sheehy
    Susi, you have created a couple of Schottische fiends... all we need now are a couple of Khiltches, or whatever they call kilts in Sweden...
  10. Susanne
    Finally I'm home and can listen to the squeezebox video!! It almost sounds familiar now when I hear it on the box... I definitely have to take that one up! The best of all - it looks like they play 1-row boxes, so I can learn it on my organettos!!!!!!
  11. Eddie Sheehy
    I'm glad I was able to reciprocate for the wonderful music you have passed on to me.
Results 1 to 11 of 11