Three around Three

  1. llamela
    Here is an English good-time morris tune: Three around Three (belongs in the tune section?)

  2. Michael Pastucha
    Michael Pastucha
    What a happy sounding tune and so well played! Thanks
  3. Marcelyn
    Really great! Maybe it's just me, but your mandolin seems to be doing a great impression of a harpsichord in this context.
  4. llamela
    You are not the first person to comment on that. Interesting.
  5. Simon DS
    Simon DS
    Mandolin (yes!), banjo and octave mandolin

    Quick link:

    The first code doesn't work with iPhone 15.1+
    The second code is correct for ALL

  6. John W.
    John W.
    Nice playing, Ilamela… verging on a little to quick for my capabilities, but I admire and still aspire to develop the skill.
Results 1 to 6 of 6